Pollution in the Arctic System


The Chantier Arctique Pollution in the Arctic System (PARCS) project, funded by CNRS, has the overall goal to improve understanding about the sources, fate and impacts of pollution in the Arctic system, notably on climate, marine ecosystems and human society. PARCS brings together groups from 19 French labs and several international partners and is coordinated by LATMOS/CNRS. It aims to tackle issues related to Arctic air pollution (e.g. aerosols, ozone), and toxic contaminants such as mercury and persistent organic pollutants, and impacts on climate (aerosol-cloud interactions), ecosystems (contaminants in seabirds, pollutant cycling in marine/snow environments), and local societies (air pollution perceptions and risks).
See http://parcs.projet.latmos.ipsl.fr/index.html

As part of PARCS, several field activities are being carried out. The data from PARCS field activities as well as related studies using satellite data
and simulations of air mass origins are available via this AERIS website.

PARCS Field Campaigns:
